Thursday, July 19, 2012

Yet More Roman gods and goddess III


Hush-hush Goddess of Secrecy.
She knows how to keep her mouth shut — she wears a gag. Not even the Mafia could get her to reveal the secret name of Rome, which could cause the downfall of that city. After all Rome wasn't built in a day — it just looks like that.
We imagine that in modern times ANGERONA may have turned her expertise to espionage. She would probably also be a very good Goddess for P.I.N. number protection and securing passwords.


Goddess of Healing and Witchcraft.
Her specialty is snakebites, although you could try her incantations to get rid of snakes in the first place.


Two-faced God of Change.
Like JANUS, he has two faces to peer into the recent past and the near futu


Goddess of the New Year — Old Year — Any Old Year.
You can also drink her health at her Spring Celebrations on the 15th March.