Thursday, April 19, 2012

Get hammered on Tyrion's quips with the Game of Thrones drinking game

Get hammered on Tyrion's quips with the Game of Thrones drinking game

Get hammered on Tyrion’s quips with the Game of Thrones drinking game

Should neither Game of Thrones' abundant nudity nor its taut political machinations hold your interest, there's always the option to spice Westeros up with a tipple. That's exactly what Anna Lucylle has done for the show's second season. Here's a larger, printable version of her rules, and you can find more ill-advised science fiction and fantasy drinking games here.

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Future of D&D Panel at PAX East - 2012 - YouTube

The Future of D&D Panel at PAX East - 2012 - YouTube

The next iteration of Dungeons & Dragons is on its way! Join D&D Senior Manager Mike Mearls and Lead Rules Editor Jeremy Crawford in a Q&A about the next D&D, and how the open playtest is using fan feedback to help shape the future of the game.




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