Monday, July 16, 2012

Game of Thrones for Math Nerds

1066 the Battle for Middle Earth

Found this thanks to it is interesting to find the root words that had made it into Lord of the Rings from middle English. (part 1 of 2)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>iframe>

Help Gaming Grounds Clean Up Stinaff Street! -- Indiegogo

Help Gaming Grounds Clean Up Stinaff Street! -- Indiegogo

A FLGS using crowd funding for community renewal.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Game of Thrones Impressions.

Very funny at the end.

Yet More Roman gods and goddess


The God of Belly Button Fluff.

Just to prove you can take almost any Latin-sounding word and find it's a God.

This is obviously absurd, but the Romans had to have a deity for everything so why not? It was always worth taking a chance — the consequences might be terrible if a God was missed out by mistake.


Goddess of War. The tough helmeted Sabine cookie who drives the chariot of MARS.
She also drives a mean spear in the thick of battle. In fact she's a bloodthirsty warrior who loves to rampage on the battlefield.
Rumors abound that under the helmet she may be the sister or wife of MARS. No-one seems very sure. Under the Greeks she was known as ENYO and was just as vicious.


Also known as CARDEA

Goddess of Door Hinges.
She's one strange nymph (see NYMPHS(2) ) who submitted to sexual advance by JANUS in return for power over door hinges.

She seems keen on the well-being of mortals, especially small children and is particularly fond of being offered bacon and beans.

What does she do to earn her breakfast? She keeps STRIGES out. No, we are not becoming mentally unhinged. Check them out


Nasty bogey women with vulture clawed feet who come to suck the blood of children in the night.

Now we know why CARNA became Goddess of hinges. It was her job to keep these things out. A creaking hinge is a dead giveaway.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Walking Dead Season 3 trailer

Walking dead season 3 full trailer.,0,47,0"> name="movie" value="" />" />" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1733894322001&,AAAAAAuyCbQ~,-gfAmfm8njJ8S-9E4q2UfzG931rvkxuP&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="" name="flashObj" width="456" height="388" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" swLiveConnect="true" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="">>

The 2012 ENnie Award Nominations

The 2012 ENnie Award nominations
Thanks to the ENnie Award website for the list.
Best Adventure

Best Aid/Accessory

Best Art, Cover
Best Art, Interior
Best Blog

Best Cartography
Best Electronic Book
Best Free Product
Best Game

Best Miniatures Product

Best Monster/Adversary

Best Podcast

Best Production Values
Best RPG Related Product

Best Rules

Best Setting

Best Supplement
Best Website

Best Writing

Product of the Year