Saturday, October 1, 2016

Myths of Khoralla Intro - Immersion Studios

Here's a short introduction to Myths of Khoralla, the epic fantasy setting currently in development by the mad minds behind Immersion Studios.
There are a number of themes we wanted to follow in this - for starters, not using the "traditional" fantasy races of Elves, Dwarves, etc., but instead creating our own, making them as realistic as possible, and not defined as an entire race as "Evil" or "Good" (people are who they are... the race on the other hand...).
Then there's gods, the power of gods, how their power works, and the balance of power that stops the champions and heroes of the world just wreaking havoc everywhere (well... they probably still will, but there has to be *some* balance to it!).
This is our intro, but there is more to come. Hope you like it :)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Medieval Weapons

Chinese repeating crossbow This crossbow (che-ke nu).jpg
Orban, from Brassó
Sword of Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim (died 1200)
The Lochaber Axe
The Luttrell Psalter - Folio 56r

Medieval Weapons

Friday, September 9, 2016

Invisible Sun Q&A Part 1: Intro, Bookkeeping, Keeping Magic Magical

Monte Cook sat down for a Q&A about the Invisible Sun RPG! In this first video, he introduces what sort of questions we're asking, how Invisible Sun keeps bookkeeping to a minimum, and how the game keeps magic magical and creative without becoming difficult for the GM to handle.