Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Remnants of Abandoned Star Wars Sets in Morocco and Tunisia Reminiscent of Ancient Ruins | Feature Shoot

Remnants of Abandoned Star Wars Sets in Morocco and Tunisia Reminiscent of Ancient Ruins | Feature Shoot

Remnants of Abandoned Star Wars Sets in Morocco and Tunisia Reminiscent of Ancient Ruins

by Amanda Gorence on February 1, 2013 · 5 comments
Rä di Martino
Italian, New York-based photographer Rä di Martino rouses the Star Wars fan in all of us in Every World’s A Stage, a series of photos of the abandoned Hollywood sets constructed for the epic George Lucas film. Martino spent over a year traveling throughout the desert towns of Morocco and Tunisia, exploring these massive structures that stand almost like ancient ruins. Martino found the juxtaposition of these cinematic byproducts with the actual ruins existing in these towns quite fascinating—and we do too. What’s not intriguing about the remnants of an otherworldly place amidst a worldly one?
Rä di Martino
Rä di Martino
Rä di Martino
Rä di Martino
Rä di Martino
via Phaidon